piątek, 28 grudnia 2012

Spindle magazine Issue 6

Read Issue 6 of Spindle Magazine: The End of the World.

If you’re reading this now then it means you survived the end of the world. If you’re reading this in a few days time, it means you survived Christmas shopping. Either way, a congratulations is in order. Those ancient Mayans predicted that the world will come to an abrupt end on December 21st 2012. Shifting earth poles; collision with the planet Nibiru; or a galactic alignment: these are all things that are expected to happen. Or is it simply Science VS Consumerism; an excuse to encourage consumers to go out and lavish their final days in style in an attempt to boost retail sales before Christmas? Either way, it was an excuse for us Spindles to have an issue based around this theme. In this issue, Amy Lavelle discusses the dead rising from the grave via the use of holograms at concerts, and asks a variety of up and coming bands how they think the world will end; in the film section, we discuss cinematic apocalypses, alternate endings, films that will end the world.Since the re-launch of Spindle as an online magazine in March, we have gone from strength to strength, proving the power of the internet and social networking. A sign of the times was illustrated this year when The Dandy went out of print for the first time in 75 years and relaunched as a new online comic.

This may well be the end of the world as we know it, but it’s also the start of the new one: where creativity drives the economy; bringing to an end the era of celebrity culture as we see brands such as Bench and AllSaints working with emerging artists to promote their product rather than celebrities.

spindlemagazine.com issue 6

piątek, 21 grudnia 2012

Winter nights

Są dni kiedy nie chce się wychodzić z ciepłego łóżka...

There are days when you don't want to get out under the warm blankets.

środa, 19 grudnia 2012

Film noir DOG

Uwielbiam filmy NOIR! Mają wyjątkową i niepowtarzalną moc. Gra pomiędzy światłem i cieniem jest tu bazą dla wszystkich scen, scalając przy tym całość w magiczny sposób. Polecam filmy John'a Alton'a, które powstaly przy współpracy z reżyserem Anthony'm Mann'em wyszczególnione poniżej! 

You need to look for inspiration everywhere! Especially in the achievements of Cinematography.
I enjoy watching those kind of movies because of their way to show the great play between the darkness and the light.
Pictures from: www.criminalelement.com
If you want to see some of these movies I recommend those made by John Alton. He is known for his collaborations with director Anthony Mann on a series of beautiful, brutal films: T-Men (1947), Raw Deal (1947), He Walked By Night (1947), and Border Incident (1949).


poniedziałek, 17 grudnia 2012


Moja koleżanka Joanna Hrk Joanna Hrk pracuje jako scenograf w Teatrze Lalek Arlekin w Łodzi, a ja miałam przyjemność ją odwiedzić i pozwiedzać to niezwykłe miasto. Poznałam świetnych ludzi i mam nadzieje, że pozostaniemy w kontakcie. Nie wspominając już o całej gromadzie zwierzaków, które zagłaskałam niemal na śmierć:)

Łódź-Polish city known for its numerous festivals and artistic activities. My friend Joanna Hrk is proud to live and work there as a stage designer in the Arlekin Puppet Theatre. I had the pleasure to visit her and explore the city. I met great people and I hope we stay in touch. And some great animals also!

On the pictures:  amazing puppets from the Arlekin Theatre, Myszka - Joanna's dog (she is soo big!), Renata Glinkowska (peri-world.blogspot.com) and her knitted hat which I bought and her dog. 

środa, 12 grudnia 2012

poniedziałek, 10 grudnia 2012

End of the year

Zbliża się koniec roku więc chcąc nie chcąc myślę dużo o kalendarzach, które kupię na przyszły rok. Popełniłam kilka projektów kalendarzy z większym i mniejszym sukcesem. Niektóre wspominam bardzo miło. Jest też kilka, o których niespecjalnie mam ochotę wpominać:)
Tutaj kilka miesięcy do kalendarza rosyjskiego opisującego perypetie pewnego pisarza.
Jak się spodobają obiecuję, że dorzucę więcej:)

sobota, 8 grudnia 2012

Salon Ciekawej Książki

Stowarzyszenie Twórców Kultury Kamienica 56, Poza Rozkładem, Polish Book Art for Children, pod patronatem Polskiej Sekcji IBBY oraz MKA podczas tegorocznych Targów Książki w Łodzi organizują specjalną sekcję - Salonu Ciekawej Książki gdzie ilustratorzy mogą się pokazać. Moja plansza z rysunkami ma przyjemność "wisieć" w doborowym towarzystwie. Świetna inicjatywa! Zapraszam.
Wystawa czynna do 9 grudnia.
Great Exhibition of Polish Books where illustrators and their works can be seen. My drawing are also there so if you are in Lódź till 9'th of December please visit the Exhibition:) 
Zdjęcia ze strony: http://www.facebook.com/SalonCiekawejKsiazki

czwartek, 6 grudnia 2012


Today I got a wonderful gift  a teddy bear. Simply adorable.
And I have some Cold Creatures for you.

Have a great day!

wtorek, 4 grudnia 2012


The new issue of Uncultured is already available. There are many great stuff inside.
I hope you will enjoy it just like I did:)
link: uncultured 007

niedziela, 2 grudnia 2012

calm, warm December

This year we have a very nice weather. Really nice! I have a lot on my head lately but I'll try to post even a lil' stuff more often.
Today - Nightmares.

and some pictures:

sobota, 24 listopada 2012

sobota, 17 listopada 2012

Parceque Magazine no.12

New issue of Parceque Magazine is already available and it's in my opinion amazing. Here you can find out: http://parceque.org/
It's all in special colors scales of green, plus black/white/grey. Looks great to me.
The text, which I have illustrated, is about a special money note that we can find in Toulouse (France).
It's named Sol Violette, and it improves regional fare trade in Toulouse and around this town.
People can buy almost everything with it, they just have to be part of this fair regional circle and money doesn't disappear in financial speculation.

Hope you will like it!


środa, 14 listopada 2012

sobota, 15 września 2012

Knowledge is Sexy - Wiedza jest sexy- projekt na koszulkę

My design for a t-shirt that will be use at a presentation of a creative company...
Wiedza jest sexy - projekt nadruku na koszulkę dla pewnej bardzo kreatywnej firmy...

Please visit my portfolio to see more of my works! www.magdalenawolan.pl 

czwartek, 13 września 2012

Never Lazy Autumn 2012

I am very happy to be in the Autumn Issue of Never Lazy Magazine. If you want to check how the whole interview looks please check it out ant tell me what you think :)

      In three words, who is Magdalena Wolan?
I would like to be the thing your eye stops for a sec at, when you look at it.
How formal is your training as a creative individual?
Although I did have some formal training at the University I think that the real education in arts cams from within.

How would you describe your work? How would you say it has evolved?
My drawings are like a diary, which illustrates what is "bothering" me at the moment. When I look at them I see how much I developed and matured since I chose that I wanted to share my works with others.

What feelings or emotions do you hope to convey through your work?
The main features which I like to deal with is the mental state of my figures. Maybe you can't see this in every work but I try to put as much psychology as I can behind my characters. I do my best to instill life within my characters eyes. The story, which is hidden inside them is most exciting.
Tell us a bit about your work process.
Each of us likes to work in a different way. I am the most efficient when I am drinking the morning coffee. Ideas come quickly then. If I don't have an earlier planned topic, I try looking for an inspirations. The Internet is full of amazing people and events that drive the action! And then it's just down the hill with a sketchbook and a tablet.
How would you define your ideal workspace?
The perfect workplace is such where it's clean, everything is in place and cups of coffee wash themselves after drinking ;)

How much do you value social networking? How does it contribute to the way you grow as an illustrator?
The Internet is an invaluable help to an illustrator, who like me, is looking for inspiration. If one wants to know the opinions about his work and wants to make interesting friendship. I have met many wonderful artists and we keep in touch and share our works and the opinions about them.
What artistic achievement(s) are you most proud of?
I am particularly proud of the work, it made me deal with a problem. It always makes me feel great and relief when I manage to solve it.
A word of wisdom to share with us and budding illustrators?
Do what you enjoy, respect yourself and all, even unflattering opinion about your work. After all the constructive makes you grow in the future.
