czwartek, 11 kwietnia 2013

Ich liebe dich Berlin!

Chciałabym podziękować wszystkim tym, którzy zjawili sie na wernisażu we wtorek. Dziękuję, że byliście. Dzięki Wam to był niezapomniany wieczór:)

I would like to thank all those who showed up at the exhibition of my pretty-uglies on Tuesday at Direktorenhaus. Thank you so much! It was an unforgettable night and I am so glad that I could meet so many amazing people! 
Berlin I love you <3 font="">

6 komentarzy:

  1. hello, congratulations on your art exhibition, glad to hear that you had a great time!

    you are so pretty btw ♥

  2. Thank you so much Lakhsmita ! I had a great time:)

  3. Congratulations!:) Keep up the good work Leni:)))

  4. Hello,I am Chieko.It was great to see you at Direktorenhaus.
    And thank you for a lot of pictures!

    1. :) I am glad that you like them and once again it was a great evening!
